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Chang Hye-jin Visits Keimyung
2016-11-30 11:26:29
Chang Hye-jin Visits Keimyung.jpg
첨부이미지 : Chang Hye-jin Visits Keimyung.jpg
On September 8, Chang Hye-jin, a South Korean female archer, visited Keimyung University. She became a student at Keimyung University in 2006. She captured the gold medal in the women’s individual archery at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Keimyung University held a reception to welcome her.
The welcome parade started at 1:30 p.m. when Chang entered the University. She shook hands with students who greeted her and looked around the archery field where she had practiced. Keimyung decided to name it the Chang Hye-jin Archery Range.
Synn Ilhi, the president of Keimyung, made a welcome speech. He gave Chang a plaque for her excellent performance in the 2016 Rio Olympics. After the welcoming party, she took photos with students who attended the ceremony.
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Update date2020-06-16