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Opening the Light to the WorldPhysical Education

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Under the founding spirit of Keimyung University, "For the kingdom of truth, justice, and love", the College of Physical Education was established in 1984 with two departments (Physical Education and Dance) to utilize both theoretical knowledge and physical skills in the training of future leaders in all aspects of physical education, sport and their attendant business aspects.


  • In 1984,
    • the Department of Physical Education was established
  • In 1990,
    • the Department of Sport for All was established
  • In 1993,
    • A Master's Degree in Physical Education was offered at the Graduate School
  • In 1994,
    • the Master's in Education majoring in Physical Education was offered at the Graduate School of Education
  • In 1996,
    • the Department of Taekwondo was established
    • a Doctor of Physical Education program was offered in the Graduate school
    • the Graduate School of Sports Industry was established with four majors, including: Exercise Prescription, Sports Management, Leisure and Sport and Taekwondo Education.

Educational Objectives

The College of Physical Education aims at nurturing international professionals in physical activity with a synthesis of knowledge, virtue, and physical ability. At present, over 650 undergraduate students and 150 graduate students are studying at the college, pursuing their career and scholastic goals. There are 18 faculty members and 14 student assistants in the college, providing students with the opportunity to develop their potentials and obtain theoretical knowledge and practical experiences related to all areas of physical education.


The college owns facilities for both educational research and physical education including the Korean Taekwondo Center, the Center for Exercise Prescription, a sports science laboratory, a computer laboratory, a gymnasium, a weight training center, and an athletics track as well as a variety of club rooms for students.

Administration Office

  • Web masterCollege of Physical Education Administration Team
  • Tel+82-53-580-6210

Update date2024-02-21