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Keimyung University Department of Fashion Marketing Students Are Surprised
2015-09-06 10:42:46
Keimyung University Department of Fashion Marketing Students Are Surprised in Milan.jpg
첨부이미지 : Keimyung University Department of Fashion Marketin
Twenty-one students from Keimyung University’s Department of Fashion Marketing participated in the 2015 Milan Expo Special Exhibition (Expo in Citta 2015) held July 2 to 4. The exhibition was one part of the Expo Milano 2015.
Daegu and Milan held a special exhibition in the Duomo Urban Center in Milan during their sister city celebrations. Twenty-one Keimyung University Department of Fashion Marketing students were invited to participate as an official of the city of Milan.
The year the theme of the Milan Expo was food. So they showcased the Traditional Korean Culture exhibition by combining the textile fashion industry and Yangnyeongsi image of Daegu. The Mayor of Milan said, “I admired the beauty of the traditional Korean costume.” The Deputy Mayor of Milan said, “I was really thankful for the young college student’s creativity.” Keimyung University’s Department of Fashion Marketing has participated in international events since its establishment in 1998 and has focused on hands-on training in the fashion industry.
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Update date2020-06-16