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Exhibition of Hungarian Aristocracy under the Reign of the Habsburg Dynasty
2014-04-16 15:40:17





Magnificent Life of Hungarian Aristocracy under the Reign of the Habsburg Dynasty, in the 17-19th Century

   This co-exhibition, which is held by Hengso Museum of Keimyung University and Hungarian National Museum, presents the magnificent treasures of the Hungarian court that were produced in the period when the Habsburg Dynasty ruled over Hungary during the 17th to 19th centuries.
   The artifacts of the era, combining Hungary’s unique culture and the magnificent culture of the Habsburg Dynasty, well reflected the complex history and culture of Central Europe.
This exhibition gives us a chance to understand Hungary’s history with splendid culture of the Hungarian Habsburg family and the Hungarian nobility.


- Exhibition Site: Hengso Museum of Keimyung Universit
- Exhibition Period: April 1 ~ June 14. 201
- Opening Hours: MON ~ SAT 10:00 ~ 17:00

   (※ The exhibition is opened on Sunday from April to end of May.)






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Update date2020-06-16