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2016 Startup EXPO
2016-03-15 12:26:45
2016 Startup EXPO.jpg
첨부이미지 : 2016 Startup EXPO.jpg
Keimyung University Startup Support Center and Daegu Metropolitan City held a startup companies EXPO. The event was held from February 17 to 19. It was held in Prime Hall in Debec Plaza. Many startup companies, university clubs, and individuals participated in it. Successful startup companies and university clubs supported by Keimyung University Startup Support Center prepared exhibition booths. They showed various products. There were foods, new materials, and craft works. Many programs were prepared for participants. For example, there were an information bureau about startups and experience of 3D printers.

Kim Hyeon-su, the head of Keimyung University Startup Support Center, said, “Its purpose is to inform students of the good results of startup companies so that many people will get interested in startups. The Keimyung University Startup Support Center will support popular booths which have creative ideas.”
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Update date2020-06-16