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Personality Education Symposium
2016-06-26 17:28:29
Personality Education Symposium.jpg
첨부이미지 : Personality Education Symposium.jpg
On April 20, the Personality Education Symposium was held in the audiovisual room of Keimyung University Hengso Museum. It was a symposium by several experts on the present state of personality education in the global age.
Park Hee-Gu, the dean of the College of Liberal Education, gave a brief introductory greeting instead of the president of Keimyung. Son Dong-Hyun, a professor at Sungkyunkwan University, emphasized the importance of personality education. His presentation was followed by other presentations on personality education. Lee Hyun-Ji, the head of Keimyung University Personality Education Center, explained Keimyung University’s Global Citizen Program and the current condition of the Personality Education Center. Lee Kyung-Kyu, a professor at the College of Liberal Education in Keimyung University, spoke on personality education through a campus education program.
The presentations lasted for about 4 hours and were followed by a question and answer session.
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Update date2020-06-16