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International Conference of Korean-Japanese Economics & Management Association
2012-10-22 20:09:32
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For two days from August 17, the Korean-Japanese Economics & Management Association held the 27th International Conference at Euiyang Hall on Keimyung University Seongseo campus. KMU Industrial Development and Business Administration Institute and the Japanese Economics & Management Association supported it.

Scholars representing the two countries presented about 40 papers at this symposium whose agenda was globalization and a paradigm shift for the economic growth of Korea and Japan. It had free sessions to seek solutions for stable economic growth such as Glocalization and the Local Economy and Components and Materials Industry to analyze the Korean components and materials industry’s competitiveness.

The Korean-Japanese Economics & Management Association holds the symposium in Korea and Japan alternately every year. It is the largest and oldest such conference in Korea.
The president of the Korean-Japanese Economics & Management Association, Lee Ki-dong, said, “East Asian countries including Korea face limitless competition because of globalization and conditions like regional and income bracket polarization, business recovery delay, and unemployment increase. I look forward to discussing stable economic growth and strengthening the competitiveness of the components and materials industry through this symposium. This symposium will be the beginning of more interest in quality growth, not quantity and speed of economic growth.”


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Update date2020-06-16