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Lee Eun-ji Awarded at Japanese Competition
2013-01-10 12:53:32
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Last month, Lee, Eun-ji who is a freshman in Japanese Language and Literature at KMU won first prize at the 29th Japanese Discussion Competition. This competition was for students with majors related to Japanese to increase interest in language learning. Winning first prize gives Lee, Eun-ji an opportunity to study in Japan. Her topic was “prejudice”.

Omichi Hidetaka who is the president of Busan's Japanese club and foreman of the jury said, "When I saw her presentation, it seemed like a presentation by a native Japanese speaker. All of her presentation, including accent, pronunciation and mannerisms, was perfect."

Lee, Eun-ji said, "I graduated from an industrial high school, so I couldn't afford to attend competitions like this. That’s why, I wanted to talk about prejudice in this competition. I was really interested in this competition and prepared a lot."

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Update date2020-06-16