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KMU Signed MOU with KECO
국제교류센터 행정팀
2017-03-09 17:45:42
KMU Singed MOU with KECO.jpg
첨부이미지 : KMU Singed MOU with KECO.jpg
On Dec. 27, 2016, Keimyung University and the Korea Environment Corporation (KECO) signed an agreement to training environmental specialists at the Sungseo campus main building. Participating in the ceremony were, Shin Jin-gi, the administration vice president, and Lim Byeong-mu, KECO Daegu-Kyongbuk local center director, as well as 10 other officials.

Both institutes agreed to support education for training local talent, exchange knowledge, technologies, and professionals. Also, they decided to share education and research facilities, and to develop an industrial university institute cooperation research program and items to activate industrial-educational cooperation. These interventions aim to improve both institutes’ work and education environment.

Lim Byeong-mu, Daegu-Kyungbuk Local Director said, “Through the MOU signing, I hope it will add energy for strengthening students’ efficacy, do well to activate the industrial-educational cooperation, and create diverse businesses in the environmental field”.
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Update date2020-06-16