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2016 KGSP for International Undergraduate Students at Keimyung University
2015-09-10 15:56:51
#3_Application_Forms(Keimyung_University).doc 미리보기   #1_Departments(Majors)_of_College_of_Engineering.xlsx 미리보기   #2_Qulification_and_Required_Documents.docx 미리보기  
Admission Procedure to Keimyung University
2016 KGSP for International Students
for an Undergraduate Degree(College of Engineering)


1. Objective
The objective of the Korean Government Scholarship Program for an undergraduate degree is to provide international students with an opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between the countries.

2. Academic Programs: Undergraduate degree course (4 yrs.) after preliminary Korean Language course (1yr.)
 - Grantees should take a preliminary Korean language course at the institution designated by NIIED. The institution will be specified in a letter of invitation after the announcement of final successful candidates.
 - Grantees should reach level 3 in TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) after the completion of a one-year preliminary Korean language course ; otherwise, grantees are not allowed to take a bachelor’s degree course ; instead s/he may take an additional 6 month Korean language course WITHIN the scholarship period stipulated in a letter of invitation.
 - The grantees with level 5 or higher in TOPIK shall begin to take a bachelor’s degree course from 2016 spring semester without the preliminary Korean language course.

3. Departments(Majors): Please see an attached file #1

4. Qualficiations and Required Documents: Please see an attached file #2
5. Application Deadline: No later than October 8(Thu)

  a. All of Original Documents should be arrived on time to International Affairs Team
    < Address >
    - Joonyong Yoon(Mr.), Coordinator of International Affairs Team, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu 42601,
  b. If you are required to submit insufficient documents after the deadline, you should submit them until October 15

6. Application Procedure
  a. Announcement of result of the documentation: October 19(Mon) (Expected day)
  b. Interview: Between October 21(Wed) ~ October 22(Thu) (Expected day)
  ※ The schedule can be subject to changes due to unexpected situations or other reasons.

7. Inquiry and Contact: Mr. Joonyong Yoon (Coordinator of International Affairs Team at Keimyung University)
  a. Tel: +82-53-580-6029
  b. E-mail:
  • Web masterCenter for International Affairs Administration Team
  • Tel+82-53-580-6023

Update date2020-06-16