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KMU Professor's Research Selected as One of the Best in Humanities and Social Sc
2013-01-10 12:55:10
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Keimyung University Professor Kwon Dae-joong’s research paper was selected for 'Best Humanities and Social Science Research for the last 10 years'. This competition was held by the NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) to celebrate the program intended to nurture humanities and social science research.

There were 147 research papers from universities all over the country selected by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology and National Research Foundation of Korea. Professor Kwon, from the Department of Philosophy, examined Hegelian philosophy of language and claimed that language is the most important part of Hegelian philosophy. His research is highly respected and valued.

Professor Kwon Dae-joong majored in philosophy at Seoul National University and he has studied Hegelian philosophy since his university days.


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Update date2020-06-16