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Inauguration of Dr. Synn Il-hi
2012-08-07 11:47:33
첨부이미지 : pp_1952_1.jpg

On July 6, Synn Il-hi, the president of Keimyung University, started his term of 4 years with an inauguration held at Adams Chapel. More than one thousand officials including board president Jung Sun-mo and faculty members attended the inauguration.

President Synn said, “I will change the crisis which KMU faces caused by the decrease in population and pressure from reduction of tuition to opportunities.” He emphasized the need for increasing academic and administrative productivity and to explore new routes. He also demanded, “Members of Keimyung University have to change and overcome the crisis we now have by doing their best in their positions. We will say to our next generation that we overcame our crisis.”

President Synn has obtained excellent results such as being chosen for national projects which were supported with a large amount of funds. For example, he attracted the approval of the College of Pharmacy, which had been a long-cherished ambition of KMU, ACE, and LINC during his last term.


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Update date2020-06-16