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Nam, Jun-gu Awarded The First Prize
2013-03-12 13:45:24
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Nam, Jun-gu, a senior at Keimyung University majoring in Japanese Language and Literature, was awarded the first prize at the 12th University Student's Japanese Competition. His topic was “Passive Life” and he presented in excellent Japanese that although he has lived driven by others, he has enjoyed his life.

He said, "I wasn't interested in entering university but my friend recommended this major. I won this prize, now I feel interested in being here. If I enjoy and am satisfied my life, even though other people pushed me to do this, the result will still be optimistic and good."

His victory is especially sweet because he started Japanese later than others and he hasn’t been to Japan or studied Japanese himself in Korea.
He said, "My Japanese is imperfect. I keep studying Japanese and acquiring certifications. I really want to be an exchange student in Japan."

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Update date2020-06-16