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College of Nursing’s International Conference
2015-12-09 09:15:51
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첨부이미지 : College of Nursing’s International Conference.jpg
The College of Nursing’s International Conference of KMU was held in the College of Nursing at KMU on September 3 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. It was held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the College of Nursing’s parish nursing centers.
The contents of the conference were the present condition and prospect of global parish nursing, parish nursing in the USA, diabetes management at parish nursing centers, welfare work for disabled people by churches and parish nursing work by the College of Nursing.
The instructors were Kim Jung-nam (honorary professor of Keimyung University), Hannah Mitter (professor at Ambia College in the USA), Kim Bun-han (professor at Hanyang University) and Park Jung-suk (president of the parish nursing center of KMU).
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Update date2020-06-16