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Northeast Normal University Cultural Group Performance
2016-08-23 09:53:53
Northeast Normal University Cultural Group Performance.jpg
첨부이미지 : Northeast Normal University Cultural Group Perform
On May 31, a Northeast Normal University (NENU) cultural group gave a performance at the College of Business Administration. This event was sponsored by the Confucius Institute at KMU. The group comes from Chilin Province, China.
The NENU students played traditional Chinese musical instruments including the mandolin, the lute, and the dizi (a Chinese flute). They also performed a short Tibetan drama with martial arts. Then a group of girls from the Tai minority group performed a dance. In addition, Zhang Jian Hua, a professor of Chinese painting at NENU, painted a Chinese painting while a mandolin played in the background. He drew beautiful landscapes containing rivers, mountains, and towns. He donated his painting to the Confucius Institute at KMU. Professor Zhang is a famous painter in China.
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Update date2020-06-16