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Special Lecture by President of Hiroshima Shudo University on September 17
2014-09-25 11:01:38
Special Lecture of President of Hiroshima Shudo University.JPG
첨부이미지 : Special Lecture of President of Hiroshima Shudo Un

On September 17, Taichi Ichikawa, president of Hiroshima Shudo University, visited Keimyung University to give a special lecture on “Hiroshima Shudo University and Its Role in the Region.” at the International Seminar Hall of Dongcheon Hall.


As decrease of population becomes the big issue in our society and private universities especially. Ichikawa President started a special lecture with brief introduction of Hiroshima Shudo University, thus he gave the background of decrease of population including low birth rate and aging society.


Based on the background, he suggested some solutions for private universities and regions under the social issue. One of the solutions he mentioned was culture. As universities and region are able to utilize cultural heritage or traditional materials for tourism and sightseeing.


After he gave a special lecture, he had the meaningful Q&A sessions with students who are interested in Japan and the special lecture. The special lecture was ended by photo time with Ichikawa President and students.

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Update date2020-06-16