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Keimyung University Reselected for ACE
2015-12-09 09:14:33
Keimyung University Reselected for ACE.jpg
첨부이미지 : Keimyung University Reselected for ACE.jpg
On July 7, Keimyung University was again selected for the ACE (Advancement of College Education) project, after being first selected in 2011. This project receives funds from the Korean Council for University Education and the Ministry of Education. The goals of ACE are strengthening liberal education, reinforcing the competitiveness of faculty, and establishing a system of verification of and feedback on education.
Only six universities including KMU were reselected for the project this year. The Ministry of Education announced the ACE project in April, and 99 universities applied. KMU will receive 6.5 billion won from 2015 to 2019. Keimyung University got a high score for extending exchanges with overseas universities.
KMU focused on developing the capability of KMU students in the first ACE project, and for the second ACE, it will focus on revising the educational curriculum as well as modernizing the system of supporting education.
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Update date2020-06-16