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Opening the Light to the WorldKmu News

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The Light of Truth, Justice and Love
Center for International Affairs
2019-12-12 14:36:45
첨부이미지 : art_15752720678675_ebdcdd.png

Third ‘Dong-cheon Forum’ was held in Dong-cheon Hall on Seung-seo Campus on the 28th of October.

The title is ‘120 years of shining together at Keimyung: The light of truth, justice and love that Keimyung will shine’.

As the title said, many discussions about how can Keimyung can shine these three lights were conducted during the forum. From the opening until to closing ceremony, attendees were made fully aware of considered the mission inside the school and the mission to the outside world that should be reflected in a Christian university.

As the slogan ‘Opening the light to the world’ indicates, Keimyung will carry this practice to execution.

  • Web masterCenter for International Affairs Administration Team
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Update date2020-06-16