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Receiving the highest grade on the Supporting Program for University Development
Center for International Affairs
2020-06-17 15:39:32
The Supporting Program for University Development.jpg
첨부이미지 : The Supporting Program for University Development.
Receiving the Highest Grade in the First Annual Evaluation of the Supporting Program for University Developement
- Secure approximately USD 6,420,810, business expenses, for second year
- Gain great achievements on K-Cloud Convergence Education Innovation Model and Triangle-Literacy Education Program to enhance convergence education

  As Keimyung University receive the highest grade in the first annual evaluation of the Supporting Program for University Development supported by Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea, USD 6,420,810 is secured for second year program, following USD 5,431,204 in the first year.
  This program aims at supporting strengths and strategic characterization of universities in response to future social changes, and establishment of a future creative talent training system which could be foundation of innovative growth in the nation through autonomous innovation of universities is also supported. Business expenses are distributed among three consecutive years from 2019 to 2021, and its expenses are confirmed depending on results of the annual evaluation.

  Since Keimyung University was selected in 2019, convergence curriculum has been systematized. In order to enhance convergence education, K-Cloud which mingled with major subjects, extracurricular activities, industry-academic cooperation network and etc., was created and K-Cloud College was established for convergence education by utilizing K-Cloud.
  K-Cloud College leads nine project divisions, focusing on cultural contents, economic trade, big data, AI and etc. which have been established with capabilities of convergence education through CK-1 and CORE projects as well as future automobile sectors linked to local industries. Above all, Triangle-Literacy Education Program which systematized multifaceted competency education related to major languages, foreign languages and mechanical languages to improve students’ job capabilities. Through those systems, it was evaluated that it established specified educational system which activated foreign language, computing thinking competency education and major education as well in order to prepare 4th industrial revolution generation.
  In addition, constructing ‘Keimyung Student Portal’ and ‘Student Capability Management and Integrated Contact Center’ focuss on providing students with capability management services with strengthening student-based educational supporting services.
  Prof. Synn Ilhi, President of Keimyung University, said it is meaningful to receive the highest grade in the first year evaluation and in recognition of achievements which aims at improving students’ capabilities. And, Keimyung University will do its best to each student who can grow into creative convergence talent leading future society, global talent progressing toward the world beyond local society, emotional talent being a warm-hearted neighbor in a harsh world and better person in the era of 4th industrial revolution.
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Update date2020-06-16