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Opening the Light to the WorldArtech College

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Artech College aims at the convergence education combining humanities (including content planing and visual storytelling) with culture and art (photography, video/animation, visual communication/design, and music production) through the educational characterization in the field of media content. It would connect literary imagination on top of artistic sensitivity to technical structure. Artech College also establishes its educational purpose for each department’s goal together with nurturing its students to be media content creators.


Artech College had founded in March, 2017 in order for the convergence education withing the field of the applied ar tin preparation for The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
It is comprised of 25 professors and 800 students who devote for Dept. of Creative Writings, of Music Production, Photography and Related Media, Visual Communication Design, as well as, Video and Animation.

Administration Office

  • Web masterArtech College Administration Team
  • Tel+82-53-620-2128

Update date2018-05-31