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‘International Helpdesk’ becomes popular
Center for International Affairs
2020-06-16 16:57:48
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'International Helpdesk' becomes popular
- One-stop support system for international students from admission to academic, daily life, graduation, etc.
- Helpers consist of international graduate students with various experiences in university life for many years
  The International helpdesk which is organized by Keimyung University and to support international students with various nationalities draws attention from international students.
  Since February, it has gathered international students’ related affairs to support one-stop service in multiple languages such as English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek, Russian and so on. In order to support them, it has integrated inquiries such as academic, daily life and graduation which are related to international students.

  Mr. Khoshimov Abdulaziz, 3rd year student majoring in mechanical and automotive engineering, says it is very helpful to solve all problems and handle complaints here at once although it is difficult to know academic schedule or exam periods due to shortage of language ability under the situation that remote classes are being held due to COVID-19.

  International Helpdesk, located in Dongyeong Hall, allows helpers with different nationality to handle issues regarding overall lives in university. They are international graduate students who have studied at Keimyung University for many years.
  At the same time, 42 administrative staff is assigned in each college and offices to support handling complaints from international faculties and students with intercommunication with helpers. Above all, the difficulty of communication for international students is greatly alleviated as they can get counseling with their native languages, meanwhile administrative efficiency has been also increasing by integrated system.
  Dr. Seonjung Kim, Dean of International Office, says we have been thinking about ways to provide one-stop service to international students for a long time, and we hope the international helpdesk will be the answer. And we also wish that international students are able to be success in their university lives with satisfaction through the international helpdesk.
  There are approximately 2,100 international students with 75 nationalities, accounting for 10% of the total number of enrolled students.
  • Web masterCenter for International Affairs Administration Team
  • Tel+82-53-580-6023

Update date2020-06-16