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5th Keimyung-Goethe Golden Bell
국제교류센터 행정팀
2019-12-12 14:29:23
golden belljpg.jpg
첨부이미지 : golden belljpg.jpg

Keimyung University will host the Keimyung-Goethe Golden Bell competition, named after Goethe, a genius writer from Germany. Hosted jointly by Keimyung University and the German Cultural Center in Korea, the event will mark its 5th anniversary this year.

During the competition, 100 participants from universities across the country will answer the questions about German culture, arts, sports and history in a Golden Bell quiz format. It will be held October 11th, at Uiyanggwan in Seongseo Campus.

The contest is the only contest related to Germany for college students in Korea, and is popular for college students studying about Germany or related studies across the country.

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Update date2020-06-16