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The Exhibition of 'Packing Art of Joseon Dynasty'
국제교류센터 행정팀
2018-06-12 14:11:02
The Exhibition of 'Packing Art of Joseon Dynasty'.jpg
첨부이미지 : The Exhibition of 'Packing Art of Joseon Dynasty'.
The opening ceremony of the traveling exhibition ‘Packing Art of Joseon Dynasty’ was held on the first floor of the Hengso Museum on May 14th. The special exhibition, which runs from May 14th to July 14th, will display 43 items and 80 pieces related to Joseon’s royal packaging art, which is owned by the National Palace Museum of Korea. Shin Il-hi, president of Kemiyung University, mentioned through the ceremony that many people, including students, faculty members and Daegu citizens, could directly appreciate the wisdom of our ancestors who used to formally decorate package.
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Update date2020-06-16