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Agreement with Daegu Culture Foundation
2016-11-30 11:20:31
Agreement with Daegu Culture Foundation.jpg
첨부이미지 : Agreement with Daegu Culture Foundation.jpg
On July 27, Keimyung University and Daegu Culture Foundation concluded an agreement at KMU Main Administration Building. This agreement was for fostering cultural and artistic projects. Synn Ilhi, president of KMU, and Shim Jae-chan, a representative of Daegu Culture Foundation, participated in the ceremony.
Through this agreement, programs that KMU and the Culture Foundation are fostering will be connected. They will do their best to improve culture and art. President Synn said, “Collaboration between KMU and Daegu Culture Foundation will enable the culture and art of Daegu to succeed internationally.” Shim Jae-chan said, “We will improve the value of culture and art in Daegu through this agreement.”
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Update date2020-06-16