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Dongsan Scholarship Foundation Gave 95 Scholarships
2015-12-09 09:19:12
Dongsan Scholarship Foundation Gave 95 Scholarships.jpg
첨부이미지 : Dongsan Scholarship Foundation Gave 95 Scholarship
On September 23, Dongsan Scholarship Foundation(Chief Director Synn Il-hi) held the ‘2015 Scholarship Certificate of Conferment Ceremony’ in Hengso Museum’s Audio-Visual room. The Foundation awarded 146 million won in scholarships to 95 students who are poor but have good grades.
Chairman Synn said, “Giving scholarships is believing in students effort and possibility.” Also he emphasized, “Don’t settle for the present and carve out a future for yourselves.” The Dongsan Scholarship Foundation was founded June 1993 by Dr. Synn Il-hi(President of Keimyung University) to fulfill Dr. Synn Tae-sik’s wish to cultivate many students who are able to develop the country and society.
The Foundation, with funding of 750 million won, gives many scholarships and research grants to promote academic stars and academic fields. Recently, they expanded donations to various academic charities.
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Update date2020-06-16