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2016 KF Global Challengers Briefing Session
2015-12-09 09:17:03
2016 KF Global Challengers Briefing Session.jpg
첨부이미지 : 2016 KF Global Challengers Briefing Session.jpg
The Korea Foundation Global Challengers briefing session was held in Keimyung University on September 4. The KF Global Challengers program sends talented graduates to foreign museums, libraries, policy research institutes, and Korean language education institutions.
The participants work as interns with colleagues in the same field and gain work experience in an international environment. They also can get a return airline ticket, travel insurance, and living expenses from the Korea Foundation.
The Korea Foundation (KF) promotes diplomatic relations through exchanges of people and enhances the national image. It was established in 1991 to promote awareness and understanding of Korea and to enhance goodwill and friendship in the international community.
The vice director of the KF Global Center, Seo Hun-ju, said, “Talented young Korean people can work in specialized institutes, so they can enhance their professionalism and publicize Korea in foreign countries through the KF Global Challengers program.”
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Update date2020-06-16