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Professor Park Sang-won Honored by Ministry of Environment
2013-03-12 13:42:19
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Park Sang-won, a professor in the Department of Environmental Science in Keimyung University, was honored by the Ministry of Environment at the opening ceremony for the recyclable resources market at the Korea Environment Corporation in Incheon.

Prof. Park has worked as a consultant for the Ministry of Environment and contributed greatly to opening the recyclable resources market. A recyclable resources market is an online market to enable people to trade secondhand goods. He got credit for opening the recyclable resources market from the Ministry.

A recyclable resources market is a good example of an environmental project to prevent the illegal disposal of secondhand goods and reduce the cost of disposing of secondhand goods.

Prof. Park has tried to make policies to improve the system of recyclable resources markets and for their long-term development. He got a lot of attention for suggesting strategies to improve recycling rates and for the effective operation of recyclable resources markets.

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Update date2020-06-16