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KMU Selected as Artistic Crafts Design University
2013-08-14 19:21:37
첨부이미지 : 4.jpg

Keimyung University was recently selected as an educational institution that offers artistic crafts design for a national project. This project was started by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2010. It aims to improve traditional culture industries, especially crafts design.
Students are going to learn traditional crafts design techniques from master artisans. They will also take a course in developing crafts design. Keimyung University was selected to join this project after fierce competition with other prestigious universities. Keimyung courses are going to focus on silver-inlaid products.

For 5 months starting from August, Keimyung University will run many programs like lectures by master artisans and visits to their workshops. Moreover, many craftsmen also expect design that expresses regional character. Professors at Keimyung University are also looking forward to creating a craft industry network.

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Update date2020-06-16