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Children of Neglected Class Shared Love
2013-03-12 13:47:52
첨부이미지 : 4.jpg

Keimyung University recently had a program for children and the elderly called “Mentoring Service Program for Children”. About 80 children from Namgu, Dalseogu, and Dalseounggun's multicultural and low-income families visited 28 elderly people who live alone. The children delivered letters and handmade presents and performed various activities for them. This event, which was designed for children to learn the value of sharing and helping others, ended January 11.

Park Ji-won who is a 6th grader at Bongduck Elementary School said, “I visited an elderly person’s house on the advice of my teacher. I didn't know that there are many grandmothers and grandfathers who live alone. I felt sorry for her because she said thank you to me many times that I became her conversation partner. She said it's hard to walk around in the cold weather and on icy roads. After listening to the story, I decided to become a government official so I could fix these problems and help the elderly.”

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Update date2024-08-26