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Overseas Volunteer Activities
국제교류센터 행정팀
2017-04-25 10:17:59
Overseas Volunteer Activites.jpg
첨부이미지 : Overseas Volunteer Activites.jpg

Keimyung University held overseas volunteer activities during the winter vacation. The volunteer activities included, remodeling a school, making a new playground for local children, and encouraging an active atmosphere.

Keimyung University hosted the opening ceremony of the overseas volunteer group in December 22 last year and sent 140 members to four countries: Nepal, Myanmar, Philippines, and Cambodia. They divided the volunteer into four teams of 35 students. Each team was responsible for remodeling work, education work, cultural performance and donation work etc, in each of the four countries.

Especially, they went to the Thounzeh in Myanmar at the recommendation of the Myanmar ambassador. The Keimyung volunteer group rigged a bicycle rack and made a new soccer field and basketball court. Further, they painted old walls and murals, so, it is now a good place for learning.

These activities were good for students because they learned about the importance of helping someone, fellowship with other friends, and gratitude about having many opportunities.
  • Web masterCenter for International Affairs Administration Team
  • Tel+82-53-580-6023

Update date2020-06-16