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President Synn Donated Books
2012-07-16 14:44:27
첨부이미지 : 7.jpg

Keimyung University President Synn Il-hi has donated 540 Korean Studies books to the Korean Studies Center in the Institute of Oriental Studies of Uzbekistan.

The Korean Studies Center in Uzbekistan was established in October, 2010, by KMU and the government of Uzbekistan. The Korean Studies Center is located in Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan. This center was established to promote cultural exchange programs focusing on politics, economy, and art.

President Synn attended the International Conference hosted by the Uzbekistan government where he discussed cultural exchange programs between KMU and Uzbekistan.

President Synn said, "I want this researching support and donation books will be the cornerstone. Also, I want this cultural exchange gives positive effects to Korean studies on Uzbekistan.”

UNESCO selected the Institute of Oriental Studies as a world heritage site. This center owned the books written ancient Arabs, and also they have ancient history of Korea.

The second paragraph should be the 4th paragraph. The general information about the institute is less important than the fact that President Synn attended the conference.

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Update date2020-06-16