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Kim Seung-jun Wins Award
2012-10-22 20:08:43
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Kim Seung-jun, who is a graduate of KMU, won the prestigious President’s Award from President Barack Obama. He contributed to improving cultural exchange and sports exchange and cooperation between South Korea and the US.

Kim Seung-jun worked as a martial arts instructor in US Armed Forces, South Korea. He tried to promote a spirit of goodwill in international relations between South Korea and the US. He was also awarded the President’s Award from President George Bush in 2007. People call him a Korean-U.S nongovernmental diplomat.

He said, “Future relationships between South Korea and the US have to be improved in four important parts like security, personal relationships, global cooperation, and trade and investment. I want to try to play a key role in strengthening basic cooperation.”

Now, he is doing lots of work in the National Unification Advisory Council to develop international exchange between South Korea and the US.

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Update date2020-06-16