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Promoting Dokdo in the U.S.A
2012-08-07 11:46:28
첨부이미지 : pp_1953_1.jpg

In the U.S.A, 36 Keimyung University students who attended the Global Career School for overseas cultural and corporate experience performed a flash mob dance to promote Dokdo 4 times. They had a flash mob campaign in the Smithsonian Museum, Independence Hall, and South Street Seaport during their busy 11 nights and 12 days program. They ended their flash mob activities in Times Square in New York on July 3.

Before their departure for the U.S.A, they planned their campaign and worked hard for a flash mob, and they made t-shirts and placards by themselves. They made a great effort to prepare to promote Dokdo and Korea in spite of the final examination period. They wanted to tell other people that Korean young people have a strong historic consciousness and patriotism by conducting the campaign.

Global Career School is a program that Keimyung University planned to help students to have foreign cultural and corporate experience. There were lots of participants who were seniors or students who were preparing for jobs. In their busy schedule, they planned to introduce Dokdo and gave their message to many foreigners in the U.S.A. Their campaign has been posted on popular Internet portal sites and SNS.

  • Web masterCenter for International Affairs Administration Team
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Update date2020-06-16