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2016 Spring Camp for KMU Freshmen
2016-03-15 12:23:56
2016 Spring Camp for KMU Freshmen.jpg
첨부이미지 : 2016 Spring Camp for KMU Freshmen.jpg
The 2016 Spring Camp for KMU Freshmen was held from January 11 to 16 at Keimyung University dormitory. The camp was conducted by the KMU Admissions Office. The Ministry of Education gave full financial support to KMU. The purpose of the camp was for freshman to experience campus life and to enhance basic learning skills and sociality before entering Keimyung University.

The 2016 Spring Camp was for 150 freshmen who passed the 2016 nonscheduled admission, and provided lectures about basic studies and essential skills for real university classes. In addition, freshmen practiced presentation skills. They had a special program with counseling from enrolled students and university staff.

Jeong Yeon-Joon, who works at the Admissions Office, said, “We hope our freshmen spend a meaningful time in university through this spring camp.” One of the enrolled students who attended the camp as a mentor said, “When I was freshman, I got a lot of meaningful information through spring camp. I hope the 2016 freshman also spend a great campus life like me.”
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Update date2020-06-16