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Cooperation Agreement between KMU and Daegu Physical Education High School
2013-04-25 17:17:18
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Keimyung University and Daegu Physical Education High School are going to cooperate to create international athletes.

On March 27th, representatives of the two schools signed an agreement to work together to foster exceptional athletes scientifically. During this event, the vice-president for academic affairs of Keimyung University, the president of the college of physical education and the president of Daegu Physical Education High School celebrated collaboration of two schools.

With this agreement, they will build an educational program to develop athletes from middle school to college. Students from both schools can join programs and learn high quality training techniques. The program is a systematic and scientific way to nurture physical talent; therefore people expect it to succeed. The project will train students, offer creative activities to learn physical education and promote joint research.

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Update date2020-06-16