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Green Campus Agreement
2013-03-12 13:49:10
첨부이미지 : 6.jpg

Tuck & Company, Inc. which runs a used mobile items marketplace concluded an agreement with Keimyung University on January 10. On January 19, the company released the “Hello Market Green Campus” application.

This application allows students to quickly register items to sell through a smart phone’s camera. Also, this application offers location-based services (LBS) to show a seller’s location in the school, so this application connects sellers with consumers more easily. Students can search for items in real time that they want to buy. And, this application has a function that when the items that the consumers want to buy are registered in the application, this application announces the information to consumers.

Currently, only Keimyung University students can join ‘Hello Market Green Campus’ and use this application. Also, the accounts are offered for only Keimyung University students.


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Update date2020-06-16