1. Course Description
    건축학캡스톤디자인 교과목은 건축을 중심으로 도시, 문화등의 복합학문을 다루며 궁극적으로는 창의적인 건축디자인 방법과 설계한 건축물이 실제로 구축되는 전반적인 건축과정을 습득하는 것을 교육 목표로 한다. 건축 이론 교육을 시작으로 건축실무 분야의 실용적 교육도 진행되어 건축재료의 선택, 공사업체 선정과 시공의 단계의 총체적 건축업무에 관한 과정이 소개된다. 또한 건축설계의 표현방법으로 Indesign, Illustraor의 Adobe 프로그램 활용법도 수강생들에게 소개된다.
  2. Course Objectives
    The general objective of this course is to improve technical abilities of students. The specific educational objectives are: to understand and apply architectural design concept, to understand and apply design methods for group work, to understand different architectural typologies, to understand architectural materials.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Absences/Lateness: More than 15 minutes late will be considered as an absence. An excused absence requires a letter from a doctor or KMU administration. More than 10 unexcused absences will receive an "F" grade in the course. Assignments: Due at the beginning of class on the day they are due. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE REJECTED. Late responses will be given a grade of "0." Cell Phones/Computers: Cell phone volume to be turned off in class. Academic Integrity /Plagiarism Any plagiarized work will receive an “F” grade for the assignment, and an "F" grade in the course. While in this class we learn from each other and may use aspects of another person's work, their work must be acknowledged explicitly. If the project is a collaborative effort, then all collaborators must be acknowledged.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    In order to successfully complete this course, students are required to deliver: weekly design responses, development of the design concept, presentation of the final project, and defense the final project in the form of public presentation. The volunteer participation of the students will be prioritized, and the students will be held in a studio format. Based on PPT file presentation, analyze and guide individual actual design tasks. Use the notebook to guide the preparation of existing design drawings. 1. All students prepare A3 sized roll yellow papers and organize their ideas. Each week, discussions will be held on the basis of students’ design work which will be reflected in the final evaluation. 2. Weekly sketches, drawings, model photos, etc. are arranged in A4 personal sheet and kept in A3 file. 3. Submit the design manual (A3), middle and final panel, and model photographs in the board (800/1600), the final model, and the CD at the end of the semester. 4. Design theoretical data are distributed at all times. (PDF)
  7. Practical application of the course
    The course starts with students ‘study of potential location for their design solution. Within agreed spatial framework in Daegu, students will examine potentials for their intervention. From this examination students will define spatial limits of their neighborhood which they will study through the whole semester. For implementing design solution within particular neighborhood, students will carefully selecting case studies for examining, studding, evaluating and implementing lessons from existing community projects. During literature review, students will improve set of postulates through design development of different solutions, discussions, and comparisons of design solutions. After literature review, design process will start with students’ implementing their spatial intervention into chosen neighborhood. This intervention is presented with spatial, formal, and functional properties. Working with these properties relevant to chosen neighborhood, students will shape their design method, architectural program and spatial layout.
  8. Reference