1. Course Description
    Explore consumer preference colors applied to industrial sites.Analyze and understand color application cases.Students will learn business practice design through color application practice by product.
  2. Course Objectives
    In this lecture students will research the concept of color through different cultures and stages of history. As well, they will research the notion of color theory and the influence of color in the final perception of a product. Overall students will gain further knowledge about the importance of color in the process of design.
  3. Teachnig Method
    In class students are expected to follow instructions and complete the exercises and projects. Students must take notes in a notepad, of the contents explained in class. Students must submit homework within the deadline given by the teacher. Students will be invited to participate in classroom discussions and activities. Students must be on time for each class. Mobile phone use in class is not allowed.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Students are expected to try to communicate in basic English. Positive attitude and will to work in class as well as discipline to finish homework on time for the deadline are required. Sense of teamwork and effort to help each other will be highly appreciated.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students will acquire a high sense of the use of color, and will be aware of the relationship between color and culture, in order to potentiate the effectiveness in their own designs.
  8. Reference