1. Course Description
    공통교양 교과인 <교양세미나>는 대학에서 이루어지는 모든 학문적 탐구활동의 토대인 분석적 독서 능력과 비판적, 창의적 사고 능력 함양을 지향한다. 이러한 교육 목표를 달성하기 위하여 본 교과는 인류의 보편적 지혜가 담긴 동서양의 고전 읽기와 발표 및 토론을 통해서 교양인으로서 갖춰야 할 지적 소양과 도덕적 인성, 그리고 합리적 의사소통능력을 기르도록 한다. 학생들은 수업을 통해 습득한 창의적-논리적 사고 능력과 합리적 의사소통 능력을 다른 강의에 적극적으로 활용할 수 있으며, 이 능력은 졸업 후 사회생활을 하는 데에도 큰 도움이 될 것이다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Students will learn and develop basic reading skills with the ultimate goal of reading actively in order to better process and remember what was read. Students will respond to memorable or influential sections of reading assignments through a guided journal. Students will be able to identify major themes found in literature and relate those themes to their lives. Students will discuss their own views, ideas, and opinions of key cultural themes in groups as a way to broaden their understanding. Students will write critical response essays about the literature and themes covered in the class.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Students must keep pace with the reading and writing assignments given. There is a lot to read, and the success of in class discussions hinges on the students' understanding of the assigned readings. Students must come to class each time with the required materials. (Journal, book(s), assignments, etc. Students must ignore all phone calls and text messages for the entire class time unless there is an emergency. Students must submit all written assignments ON TIME. There will be a score penalty for each late or unfinished assignment. Students must be respectful, kind and open about the opinions of other students expressed in discussion.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Students must be able to read English literature on a basic level, articulate their opinions and ideas for class discussions and understand APA format for response essays.
  7. Practical application of the course
    This class should spark inside the students an interest in global issues and prepare them to voice their opinions and ideas in a constructive manner.
  8. Reference