1. Course Description
    다양한 영상 촬영장비의 사용방법을 배우고 숙지하는 것이 이 강좌의 목적이다. 비디오 카메라 및 DSLR 카메라를 이용한 촬영방법, 카메라 워크, 포지션, 앵글, 이동 등의 조작 기술을 배우고 숙지한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    To learn basic video and audio production techniques via the student's camera, video cameras borrowed from the school, audio equipment, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC. (I apologize for the brevity, as mentioned above, a more detailed syllabus will be distributed on the first day of class in September.)
  3. Teachnig Method
    This class will be conducted in the English language. Basic English conversational skills are a must and you will be called upon to participate and give opinions in English.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Final and midterm grades will be based on weekly projects throughout the semester. * The class is a project-based class, so students will be graded on each of the steps of the video production process. There will be seperate midterm and final comulative grades (40% for the midterm, and 40% for the final). Students will also be required to request to meet me individually outside of class to discuss their individual progress over the course of the semester. This will be requested under the EDWARD system and will award students with a pass or fail (10% of the final grade if completed, it's an easy 10 points for the final grade)
  6. Requiments
    There are no requirements or prerequisites to take this class. All are welcome to join. However basic English conversational and listening skills are strongly recommended. You will otherwise have a lot of difficulty in the class. Students will need access to a video camera, a means of recording audio (i.e. microphone), Adobe Premiere Pro (the latest 2017 version of CC is recommended), a tripod, a hard drive (at least 1TB is recommended).
  7. Practical application of the course
    To learn basic video and audio production techniques.
  8. Reference