1. Course Description
    불평등한 젠더관계에 기반한 한국의 유교가부장적 가족주의는 한국사회의 사회·정치·경제·문화적 제도를 형성하는 기본 원리로 작동해왔으나 사회민주화, 서구적 가치관 확산과 자본제적 경제발전에 따라 전통적인 가족주의는 빠르게 해체되고 새롭게 구성되고 있다. 이런 변화는 지금
  2. Course Objectives
    - Understanding general theories about family, feminist critique of the theories, and Confucian-patriarchy
    - Understanding Korean family in the context of happy or unhappy marriage between state-centered capitalist economic development and Confucian culture
    - Reviewing family issues in contemporary Korea
    - Grasping structure, characteristics, and trends of contemporary Korean family through statistical data and media portrayal
  3. Teachnig Method
    - Most sessions will begin with introductory lectures on suggested topics and readings and class discussion will follow.
    - Feature films and short TV reports with English subtitles(or with the instructor’s simultaneous translation) will be shown regularly for students' understanding and discussion of Korean family and gender relations.
    - Observation on the streets and campus will be encouraged for class discussion.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    There will be 3-4 short assignments which will add up to 15~20 points.
  6. Requiments
    - Reading Korean English newspapers and talking with Korean friends on family and gender issues is encouraged for class discussion.
    - All students are required to read the weekly reading assignments.
    - Lively and active participation in class discussion is strongly recommended.
    * English is the only language used in the course, and thus nativeKorean students should consult with the instructor before registering for this course.
  7. Practical application of the course
    As the familism based on unequal gender relations is a prime principle of organizing economic, social, political, and cultural institutions in Korea, its understanding is crucial in grasping the distinctiveness of Korean society. Thus it will be very relevant not only to students of family and gender studies but to comprehending social, political, cultural and business environments of Korea.
  8. Reference