1. Course Description
    본 강좌에서는 시각 환경의 프리핸드 묘사기법들을 익히게 하여 디자인 구상과 글쓰기 표현을 유기적으로 원활하게 전개하도록 훈련한다. 투시도 구축과 그림자 그리기를 포함한 각종 묘사기법들을 총동원하여 3차원 공간을 실감나게 시각화할 수 있는 기량을 배양한다
  2. Course Objectives
    The objective of this course is to examine architectural representation through reading, writing and designing. This course is composed from two parts. The first part is theoretical analysis of architectural topics. Through critical reading of relevant topics for design the student will gain knowledge about current architectural practices. The student will read texts by architects which will open the discussion of alternative design approaches. This discussion will result in the abstract for paper containing 100 – 200 words. During the second part of the course, the student will use its draft of the paper for creating design concept. This exercise will teach students to translate written text into architectural concept. The aim of this exercise is to teach students to avoid literal translation into design process. Moreover, this exercise will teach them to create design solution with theoretical background. This design part of the course will result in a panel which will reflect the whole process of design from theory to practice.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Absences/Lateness: More than 15 minutes late will be considered as an absence. An excused absence requires a letter from a doctor or KMU administration. More than 10 unexcused absences will receive an "F" grade in the course. Assignments: Due at the beginning of class on the day they are due. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE REJECTED. Late responses will be given a grade of "0." Cell Phones/Computers: Cell phone volume to be turned off in class. Academic Integrity /Plagiarism Any plagiarized work will receive an “F” grade for the assignment, and an "F" grade in the course. While in this class we learn from each other and may use aspects of another person's work, their work must be acknowledged explicitly. If the project is a collaborative effort, then all collaborators must be acknowledged.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    In order to successfully complete this course, students are required to deliver: weekly reading (during the first half of semester students are required to submit every week their reading review), defending their article (written part of the exam), development of the concept (during the second half of semester), weekly design responses, presentation of the final project, and submission of the final project (the article and the portfolio). The volunteer participation of the students will be prioritized, and the students will be held in an open discussion format. Based on PPT file presentation, analyze and guide individual actual design tasks. Use the notebook to guide the preparation of existing design drawings.
  7. Practical application of the course
    This class is though with two methods. The first teaching method is theoretical analysis of architectural topic. The first half of university semester will be dedicated to reading and writing. The second method is design process. This method of teaching is relates to practical interpretations of theoretical topic. This method will be implemented in the second half of the university semester. These two methods will enhance and clarify concepts researched during reading session. · SPC 01 - Oral and Literal Communication Ability to communicate architectural ideas in writing and speech, and the ability to communicate in a foreign language. · SPC 02 - Various Means of Expression Ability to express architectural ideas appropriately by means of various media such as sketch, model, drawing, writing, and digital drawing.
  8. Reference