1. Course Description
    본 과정은 나사렛예수의 삶과 인생에 관한 고대 및 현대의 보고와 그에 대한 비평적 연구입니다. 세부적으로는 예수님과 그의 메시지를 포함한 복음서를 공부하는 것으로 시작하여, 기독교를 발생시킨 예수님에 대한 더 깊은 이해로 들어가는 것을 목표로 합니다. ‘역사의 예수’와 ‘신앙의 그리스도’사이의 관계에 초점을 맞추고 학습하도록 하겠습니다.
  2. Course Objectives
    By the end of the course, students should have a better understanding of the historical Jesus, and be able to explain how this man became the center of the greatest religious movement in history. They should also be able to explain Jesus' unique relationship to God and his unique dual nature.
  3. Teachnig Method
    No texting or talking on the phone. No gaming on smartphones or computers No sleeping. No talking when the professor is lecturing. No studying or doing homework for other classes.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    * A course in Christianity * Low intermediate level of English * An eagerness to learn more about Jesus of Nazareth and his impact on the world
  7. Practical application of the course
    *Improvement in English communication skills (listening , reading, writing) *small group cooperation
  8. Reference