1. Course Description
    Law and Civilization is a seminar class in legal anthropology. It is intended to provide students with an overview of the different legal systems used throughout the world and through history. This course will focus on the historical developments of the various legal systems and explore the ways in which culture and religion impact each society’s sense of justice. “Law” will be a vehicle for studying culture, language, religion, geography, and history.
  2. Course Objectives
    For students to gain an understanding of the relationship between law, history, geography, religion and culture.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Students are expected to be on time and prepared to engage in class discussions on assigned topics. Students who are not on time for class (9:01 is late), without excuse, shall be marked late. Per KMU policy, three times late equals an absence. One unexcused absence from class will result in a half grade demrit (A+ to A0). Students who are unprepared, sleeping or speaking any language other than English, will be marked absent.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    More time for presentation of final paper.
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students who successfully complete this course will attain an understanding not only of law, but also of world history, geography, religion and culture; important knowledge for any student engaged in international studies. Finally, by utilizing Socratic methodology during the presentation of course materials, students will develop and improve their analytic and public speaking skills.
  8. Reference