1. Course Description
    이 과목은 기초영글쓰기 다음 단계로 문단 구성에 역점을 두고 문단의 주제 문장작성과 주제를 전개하도록 한다. 영어글쓰기에 필요한 기본 문형패턴을 단계적으로 학습하여 상황에 적합한 다양한 표현을 구사 할 수 있도록 한다. 문자유형, 어휘결함품사와 연관된 문법구조 등을 학습하고 이와 관련된 예문들의 연습을 통하여 응용능력을 겸비하게 한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    The goals of this course are to make students more comfortable with proper writing (and speaking) in English and with interacting with a foreigner professor.
  3. Teachnig Method
    a) Be honest! No cheating. Do your own work. Sign only your name on the sign-in sheet.
    b) Be polite! Turn off the sound on your cell phone. When other students are speaking at the podium, give them your full attention.
    c) Do the work! Speak and write English as often and as well as you can!
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    "midterm exam" is total for 3 Quizzes "assignment" Score is total for 9 Sentence Patterns
  6. Requiments
    The students should have the textbook and bring it to every class. This class focuses on activities and lectures based on the text book. Students should also always bring paper and a writing instrument.
    All students should possess a dictionary (English-to-Korean and Korean-to-English). Students should also have a grammar reference available while writing. A thesaurus is also recommended but not required. Electronic dictionaries and cellphone dictionaries are acceptable.
  7. Practical application of the course
    While this class is limited in scope, the skills learned have nearly limitless uses: Writing has been and continues to be the primary way that humans pass along knowledge. Speech is immediate but fleeting: some writing becomes eternal. Humanity has been able to record speechimmediate but fleeting: some writing becomes eternal. Humanity has been able to record speech for only about 100 years; its earliest writings have been dated to over 5,000 years ago. Currently, e-mail and cellphone messages are used for business and for love. Tweets and blog posts make and break careers. No one knows what medium will come next, but we can be sure that writing will be used.
  8. Reference