1. Course Description
    Students will explore how their culture, gender, economic status, age and other personal characteristics influence their work communications. The course will explore verbal and non-verbal communication skills in a global work environment. Students will learn written communication techniques most effective for use in the technology workplace. Additionally, students will explore and practice negotiation skills, both internally and externally to their workplace.
  2. Course Objectives
    To equip students with the knowledge and English to handle a variety of communication situations, found in the workplace and in life in general, with a focus on public speaking and interpersonal relationships.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Cellphones: Please have cell phones on silent mode. Please do not send text messages in class. Mirrors: Please do not use your mirror in class. I will take 1% off your grade every time you break the rules.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Grades will be derived from a group presentation, an individual presentation, participation and attendance. The detailed weightings and letter grades are listed as follows:  Group presentation (Mid Term) 30%  Individual presentation (Final) 40%  Participation 20%  Attendance 10% A Digipen student earning a grade of C or above is considered to have passed the course and is eligible to pursue further studies
  6. Requiments
    There is no course at KMU which is a prerequisite for this course
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students will be able to deal with meetings and presentations within a workplace environment, being able to cope with interpersonal and other forms of communication.
  8. Reference