1. Course Description
    This course will help students to better understand contemporary art works, styles and aesthetics. We will discuss the issue of race, class, and gender as well as formalist modes of the works. The course will concentrate on painting, sculpture, photography, video art, mixed media works, and installation works from about 1965 to the present.
  2. Course Objectives
    Analyze how works of modern Korea reflect historical and social events and conditions; understand issues in modern Korean art; recognize basic art historical concepts and its effect on cultural meaning; (for non-native speakers of English: acquire stronger English language skills.)
  3. Teachnig Method
    3 lateness will count as 1 absence. Although a make-up exam will be offered for a missed exam, the grade will be reduced by 70% with a valid written excuse (such as a note from your doctor or from court.)
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    과제로는 개별 작가에 대한 영어 발표로 진행합니다. 차근차근 누구나 따라할 수 있는 프로젝트로 준비될 예정이니 너무 겁먹지 마세요. 수강 신청 전에 질문이 있으면 010-5027-2449로 전화주세요. 신채기
  6. Requiments
    All you need to bring to the class is your enthusiasm and interest in art. For those not fully proficient in English, the instructor may conduct the class bilingually from time to time.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Studying History of Art will develop skills of analysis and interpretation that are highly valued by employers in the creative industries.
  8. Reference