1. Course Description
    뵨 교과목은 학생들의 비지니스 관련 글쓰기, 토플/토익을 위한 시간제한 글쓰기, 입학지원 에세이, 학문적 글쓰기 등의 연습에 중점을 둔 과목이다.
  2. Course Objectives
    1. Help students prepare for career-specific and practical English-language situations, including TOEFL/TOIEC writing and speaking tests, resume/cover letter and job interview situations, and realistic “business English” situations (including oral presentations).
    2. Prepare students for critical writing situations where "form" and "content" considerations are as important as "language" concerns.
    3. Provide basic instruction in English writing, conversation, and presentation skills.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Students in this class will follow strict rules about attendance, performing work on schedule, working in groups, and academic honesty. This rules will be explained fully at the start of the semester, in the print syllabus, and on the class web page.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    This course will be taught at the "intermediate-to-advanced" level of English ability. Language does not have to be error-free, but students must be able to understand the lessons and assignments. All discourse will be conducted in English.
  7. Practical application of the course
    This class will provide instruction in career-specific English language situations, and also offer practical advice for finding employment.
  8. Reference