1. Course Description
    This is a course for KIC students whose mother tongue is not English. This course is designed to build up English communications skills including presentation and speech skills. This course is the first part of sequential course of KAC Communication Skills. In order to pass this course, students should reach to the certain level(at least C+).
  2. Course Objectives
    In order to achieve these goals and conduct these activities, students need to be energetic, open-minded, and responsible. Activities will be first encountered, discussed, and then undertaken in a guided environment. As time and student achievement allow, some tasks may be completed independently, with students forming their own plans, using their own interests, and working alone or in groups to fulfill their plans.
  3. Teachnig Method
    This course will involve a number of tasks (“projects”) which involve various kinds of communication
    skills, and will at times require students to work alone and in groups. Tasks will be briefly previewed,
    and students will be expected to take initiative in proceeding independently (alone or within a group)
    from the introduction. Students will often preview the tasks online (through videos), discuss their thoughts & learn about specific task guidelines, work with a partner to prepare, practice, and offer feedback. Later, a graded activity will be performed in class, and a reflective exercise will be completed as students view their own work (through video or other means). The goal is to raise our awareness and hone our communicative skills as much as possible, and through various mediums.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    It is imperative that students cultivate & utilize the following:
    1. responsibility for their work & their roles within the course tasks
    2. time management skills
    3. an open mind to the aims & tasks of the course
    4. an open mind to their cohort (their classmates) & to the prospect of working together.
    5. the ability to offer feedback (constructive, positively-worded critiques, compliments, analysis, and so on) to each other, themselves, and their instructor, along with the ability to accept feedback & use it to improve their work.

    There are other skills & traits which will aid you greatly in this course. They cannot all be listed here.
  7. Practical application of the course
    This course is practical for all students attending KAC. KAC requires students to excell in an all-English environment; to comport themselves professionally; and to navigate various social encounters and registers. Students will be taught how to manage a complex task, how to assess their audience's needs and interets, how to organize their work, and various modes for presenting their work to others.
    Students will also be shown how to reflect on their work in order to improve it and to assess the impression(s) that they give to others, in order to empower them to influence those impressions.
  8. Reference