1. Course Description
    This is a course for KIC students whose mother tongue is not English. This course is designed to build up English communications skills including presentation and speech skills. This course is the first part of sequential course of KAC Communication Skills. In order to pass this course, students should reach to the certain level(at least C+).
  2. Course Objectives
    To help learners succeed with their academic and professional goals. Students learn key academic skills as they engage with thought-provoking video and 21st century themes and skills such as global awareness, information literacy, and critical thinking.
  3. Teachnig Method
    1. Being prepared each and every class (textbook, notebook, pen/pencil, smartphone with KMU attendance app) 2. Ask questions and ask for help! Help others! Be respectful of others, your professor and even yourself! 3. Students lose grade points for being late or absent, phone calls/text messaging, having no textbook or sleeping.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    As English is now the de facto common language used around the world in business, engineering, or other communication situations between different groups of nationalities, this course should prove beneficial in both professional and leisure activities, whether the student needs to communicate with a foreign business partner or just order a meal in a restaurant. The student should also feel more comfortable using English or dealing with foreigners after completing this course.
  8. Reference